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The Australasian Corrections Education Association Incorporated(Registration No: INC9882443)Notice of Annual General Meeting
Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of the members of the Australasian Corrections Education Association Inc will be held on Tuesday, 10 December 2024, at 12:00pm (AEST), via Teams.

The business of the meeting will be:

1.  To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
2.  To receive from the Executive Committee reports upon the activities of ACEA during the last preceding financial year.
3.  To receive and consider the financial statements and reports of ACEA of the last financial year.
4.  To elect the following members of the Executive Committee:·  President·  Vice President·  Treasurer·  Partnerships Officer·  Communications Officer
5.  To elect the following members of the Advisory Council:
Regional RepresentativesInterest Group Representatives·  Australian Capital Territory·  New South Wales·  Northern Territory·  Queensland·  South Australia·  Tasmania·  Victoria·  Western Australia·  Aotearoa New Zealand·  First Nations·  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander·  Māori·  International·  Lived Experience·  Research·  Student·  Vocational Education and Training·  Youth JusticeNotesMembership:You must be a member to attend the meeting and vote on motions or ballots.To check your membership status, log in to your account from the ACEA website or email join ACEA, please go to positions:Nominations for all elected positions must be made on official nomination forms, signed by 2 members of ACEA and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate. Nominations must be delivered to the secretary by 12:00pm (AEST) Tuesday 3 December 2024.Nomination forms and the most recent approved association Constitution (outlining eligibility and role responsibilities for elected positions) are available on the ACEA website.Expressions of interest and enquiries relating to elected positions can be emailed to
Reports and information documents relevant to the AGM will be made available on the ACEA website by 12:00pm (AEST) Tuesday 3 November 2024.Enquiries relating to the agenda of the AGM, relevant documents or other matters can be emailed to
